Tuesday, April 28, 2020

My family will look different in 2025; it will not be because of newly arrived babies.

If my family gets to lead me down ridiculously long garden paths because of "good intentions", I get to say BS like the following:
In an earlier post, I predicted that one of my sisters, who works as a support worker, will have divorced by New Year's Day 2025, if not before that. I believe it will happen because my brother-in-law must have his expensive gadgets; no one can say no to him. He simply has to have them. It's the same thing with expensive groceries, alcohol and giving in to what their two children ask for; no is not a word that is said often in that household. She doesn't go without either; I'm pretty sure that she has regular nail and hair appointments. And she buys expensive clothes. Still, she isn't the spender that her husband is. And I think she is the one who can be persuaded to cut back on her expenses before the debt is too high; he won't until they have collectors calling. To add to that, I don't think they earn that much money, even though they both work. Part of my prediction is that they'll divorce over money and the spending of it.
The reason I think that they will separate and divorce, is that they have sold the house they were living in and are planning on, or they already have, moved into his parents' house. That means no more mortgage. If they have any fixed expenses at all, it will be utility bills and whatever they spend on renovations and yard maintenance. If they don't need to come up with a monthly mortgage payment, what will stop him from spending themselves into another hole? Which support worker sister will see that they're in before he does. Of course she will; she is slightly less oblivious than he is. Basically, what I'm saying is that they will, or he will, rack up the debt again; there's always more gadgets and tech to buy,  and most of it is expensive, especially if it's bought right when it comes out. They will divorce once it becomes clear that they're in a significant amount of debt again, and he turns to his family for a handout to pay the debt off with and doesn't get it. Or maybe it will be the fighting that couples who have high debts often do that does their marriage in...who knows.
And of course, if none of this happens, I will simply wave my hand and give good intentions as a reason I have predicted all this. The good intention being that we should all prepare ourselves for the upcoming divorce; assuming that brother-in-law's parents are both still alive when and if this happens, he will be fine, the two children will be fine. It's my sister who will be asked to leave.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Good intentions are not love

I am slowly coming to the realization that forgiveness for the pointless "good intentions" my sister and mother had for me, will not come. At least not while I am living with my parents; which puts me in a catch-22, because the rents in my city are high.
On a sort of related note, here is a spoken word poem I did for a class I'm just finishing up: https://viuvideos.viu.ca/media/Kaltura+Capture+recording+-+March+20th+2020%2C+1A57A20+pm/0_88ij8y1e
Don't watch it if you are proud of being an armchair expert, and would rather keep the illusion that good intentions are always needed and wanted.